the boots in question are my favorite black riding boots. I've loved them for about a year - I've loved them at home in the sun, loved them in rainy/freezing London, and really loved them in snowy NYC (quite possibly contributing to their somewhat speedy demise).

these appear to be the closest to the original but they don't have them in store here so I'd just have to order and hope that they'll fit and are decently made.

These are a bit more than I want to spend, really. Also, they don't zip up which might be a problem.

Lastly, I've had my eye on these Fiorentini and Baker knock-offs by Steve Madden for a while (and the real things for about 4 years now). I've tried them on, I know they fit but they didn't have them in black at the time so I opted out.

ah...decisions, decisions.
Your boots are fantastic. Personally I like the worn look.
P.S. The Roman Polanski film "Greed" didn't really have a was mocking/criticizing perfume commercials.
i love that Polanski clip. I figured it was just for laughs.
I like this model of boots.I have one the same Costume national.
I really like these riding boots! They're so cute. hmm... New black boots? hehe
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