Everything is looking so amazing out it our garden that I've been spending as much time as possible outside (with plenty of sunblock, of course). I suppose there is something to be said for Southern California's ability to keep plants looking beautiful almost year round but things look particularly magical in the summer.

There are so many crazy looking plants in our garden that were here before we moved in. This one for example...
It looks like it's from Mars. If you happen to know what it is, let me know! That way next time someone asks I will appear as though I know what I am talking about.
outfit details
dress - xxi
cardigan & brooch - vintage
shoes - vintage
musical notes: I posted a new 1920s/30s inspired playlist here. enjoy!
adorable dress and shoes! ... and i have no idea what that plant is called! it looks rather cool, nonetheless...!
I'm afraid I know nothing about plants...but I do know I love this outfit! So cute :D Love the hat
Haha its called a succulent. Its a relation of aloe. I have some of them in a terrarium and in the backyard. They do look like alien plants! :)
Cute dress!
That plant is funky looking, but cool! I love your prairie look with the floral dress and hat.
haha thank you so much :D now I'll sound like an expert. Not surprised it's related to Aloe - we have some of that too!
why, thank you!
that hate is *awesome*, definitely makes the outfit! xx
whoops, definitely meant hat ^_^
what a neat plant. as mentioned, it's some sort of succulent, for sure. i'm nearly positive that it's an echevaria. it looks just like one, but i've not seen one quite that large before. they're my favorite kinds of plants, as they're nearly impossible to kill. you look just as darling as ever!
um, you look adorbs, obviously the dress is gorgeous, but please tell me how you wear hats so they look so damn GOOD. I can never do that. and I want to really badly because I found this vintage straw hat and the brand name is the funniest brand name I have ever ever seen.
I don't know how I missed this post, but I must say, you're photography skills really show through! I love the variety of photos, play with sunlight, and detail work... even use of the thirds rule. Just beautiful, dear.
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