Tuesday, October 16, 2012
when the sun gets in your eyes
I vowed to myself I would start wearing tights once October kicked - heat or no heat. I'm a sucker for leg wear and there is no stopping me now!
Our yard is beginning to recoup from the harsh summer which means hopefully you will be seeing some of it in the background again. Recently, to avoid squinty photos, I'd been secretly crouching into the small spaces of shade that remained after all of our trees were cut back in July. One thing you may know about me by now is that I am, indeed, a squinter when it comes to direct sunlight (as evidenced above!). I try my best not to do so during photo sessions but sometimes... I fail.
Lola photo-bombing ^
I've just realized that I have a mere two weeks to figure out what I'm going to dress up as for Halloween this year and I set my own stakes pretty high with last years get-up. Now I'm at a bit of a loss. Do you dress up for Halloween or do you consider it amateur night? Or... too adult for it (aka no fun at all ;) ?
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I'm totally a squinter too. That's why, whether people like it or not, I always wear sunnies in my photos. Otherwise, my eyes are squinted or wandering in some distracted direction. LOL. I love your chambray dress with these yellow tights!
adorable <3
you are a smart gal! and I do like shades..hmm ;)
We are tights twins today! (Or rather, I'm the belated twin.) Look at all that glorious sun!
I can't decide on a costume! If money and time were no object I'd go as Elizabeth I! I'm afraid that would be a little too complicated for me though :(. Also thinking of going as a garden, sewing all my fake flowers onto a dress and voila!
How amazing would you be as Elizabeth I! It is definitely most ambitious though. The garden idea is SO great too. Please make sure someone takes photos if that happens!!!
I've been wanting to go as Margot Tenenbaum for about a decade but can never remember to get all of the necessities in time :"( I would love to reuse that black tutu from last year somehow. or how about Lady Mary!? Also quite ambitious, I suppose. If only we had access to the BBC wardrobe dept. Incidentally, have you been watching Series 3? the 1920s garb is slaying me.
I love, love, love those tights! That color is perfect for fall.
Isn’t That Charming.
I'm too fun for it all. You know this about me.
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