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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

can't keep track of each fallen robin

I've said it before, I am simply in awe of bloggers who are able to post 5 times a week and have a day job and a social life. After hours of being on the computer at work sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle to log-on again from home, even though I do so love blogging, blog-reading and the internet in general. And, by the way, that's not even factoring in time to take photos.   Anyhow, today I managed to snap some lunchtime outfit shots, miraculously.

You'll recall I posted about the J.Crew Spring collection a few weeks back, well this outfit was definitely inspired by that lookbook minus the Prada-esque messy ponytail, which I did contemplate. The best part? All of this was already in my closet! Which begs the question: did I like the collection because it reminded me of my own closet? Perhaps. but I had never worn these things in this particular combination so I can definitely tell you that it made me approach my closet from a different angle.
outfit details:
skirt & blazer - uo
shoes - vintage
tights - cynthia rowley 

musical notes: chelsea hotel no.2 - leonard cohen
It's been covered a million and one ways but I will forever love this song...

Monday, March 28, 2011

reckless daughter film report: bill cunningham new york

Yesterday "the Brit" and I headed over to the Nuart Theater in West LA to catch a screening of the documentary, Bill Cunningham New York.  I have been a huge fan of Bill Cunningham for a long time - even pre-blogging and long before I used the internet for fashion purposes.  I still listen to his On The Street  audio clips on the NY times from time to time so when I heard there was a documentary about him in the works I was thrilled.  He is, after all, the original street style photographer.  I have even heard Scott, The Sartorialist pay homage to him and site him as a huge influence.  He was the pioneer of that whole movement and he started way back in the 1960s.  When you think about it, it is sort of funny that it took so long to become a real trend.

The film gives us a very interesting glimpse into Bill’s life and he is quite the character.   For example, he gets around town on a bicycle  and has apparently gone through around 30 since moving to NYC (most of them stolen) - his outlook on money is essentially that it is poison and unimportant  -  for years he slept among rows of file cabinets filled with his photos from throughout his career – he started out in fashion during the early 50s as a Milliner (aka: women’s hatmaker) under the brand William J.

 It’s very interesting to see how this eccentric 80+ year old man lives and works. In truth, the lines between work and personal life seemed extremely blurred in his case. 
The film is half way through a very abbreviated Los Angeles run at the Nuart, I know it is currently showing in NYC and that it will be going to various cities through out the US and I would expect throughout the world.  Anyhow, if you get the chance, I highly recommend it.  He is a fascinating person.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

manteau rouge

I thought I would do an outfit post today since I missed yesterday's post (due to various factors). This morning I dug this red coat out of the depths of my closet - it was actually cool enough for an extra layer today! my complaining last week seems to have paid off.
 outfit details:
dress & shoes: UO
sweater: vintage
tights: cynthia rowley

My appologies on keeping this post short and sweet but I'm on my way to "the Brit's" EP release for his full-time band.  AND I found a "new" vintage dress just for the occasion which I will hopefully post here soon. Happy Saturday xxdjrd

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

dawn of a new era?

“The Brit” recently got an iPad and, admittedly, it is pretty nifty but I also feel like there might be better use for that sort of money... a plane ticket, a handbag, several pairs of shoes, for instance. None the less...this week, aside from getting myself addicted to the Monet jigsaw puzzle app (be warned: It is unrelentingly addicting), I’ve been exploring the digital "print media" and fashion publication side of what this expensive toy has to offer, in all it’s touchable glory. The whole thing really got me thinking about the future of fashion magazines. My verdict is that iPad and the like (especially as the prices come down and they are more readily available) could very well be the saving grace of the “magazine” as we know it. Anyone who gets W magazine can tell you its about half the size it used to be. Never a good sign. Not that I don’t love the feeling of holding a real life glossy-paper magazine in my little hands and flipping through real pages, but the iPad IS a bit like holding a book and the fact that you have to touch the screen and sometimes even "flip" virtual pages does make it more intimate than, say, reading an article or looking at photos on your laptop...just saying. But don't worry, I have not cancelled any of my subscriptions in favor of brighter digital ones. yet.

I am also still contemplating subscribing to Vogue Italia and editorials like this aren’t helping me resist wanting the real thing...

Magazine: Vogue Italia (Close-Up) March 2011
Models: Bo Don & Kristy Kaurova
Photographer: David Dunan
Stylist: Sara Maino
via fakingfashion

Victorian meets the 1980s! I love it. (though the models are a tad too thin, I have to say.) Now... where did I put that hair crimper...

Monday, March 21, 2011

mon vendredi soir

my Friday night went a little like this...
I arrived at mr.T's Bowl which is now a venue but was once a bowling alley, apparently.
inside I found "the Brit" (otherwise known as my boyfriend)
the bar looked a bit like a disheveled mardi gras float...
 Eitaro was there as well (he is the guitarist in "The Brit's" sideproject). they were amusing themselves with various iphone apps...
the bar was still decorated for St. Patrick's day.
reckless in red...

as we waited for the boys to take the stage. I looked up and saw this...
 which made the floor look like this...
and the lovely host looked like this...
Kristin was there too...
finally, it was time for the band to play
little rockstar
the band was followed by some burlesque dancers.  my favorite one had bright blue hair...
I found pretty pin-ups in the girls lounge
wearing something to go with the theme
a little more burlesque and some more conversation...
and then it was time to head out into the rain...

Friday, March 18, 2011

she's governed by simple pleasures

This time of year is always an interesting one for me because, while I do like springtime, I also feel like I miss out a little on the winter experience.  Here in Los Angeles the transition from a pretty short-lived, mild winter to longer, sunnier spring days seems to happen almost over night.  I know there are those of you further north and east who would like it if I stopped my complaining at this point, but it’s true! I think I can hear my winter coats are shouting from the back of my closet “That’s it?!That’s all we get?”.

On the other hand, it was pretty nice to put on a straw hat and a dress (one you've seen before) laze about in the sun.  I probably could have done without the cardigan but I had it in my bag just in case the remnants of a winter breeze snuck up on me... shoes...
outfit details:
dress: h&m
tights: nordstrom
shoes: dolce vita
necklaces: gifts 
cardigan: aa

musical notes: dale earnheardt jr jr - simple girl
track via

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

even more spring...

First item of business...and it's hard to believe I'm saying this but... I really like the J.Crew Spring 2011 lookbook/collection.  That statement is nothing against J.Crew, really -- I can usually find an item or two that I could potentially incorporate into my wardrobe but I have certainly never been one to give much attention to their lookbook / catalog styling...until now. Have a look for your self...

Pretty darn wearable, non?  And while I'm not necessarily advocating wearing everything all at once (because, for one, that would not be a cheap endeavor), I'm definitely more apt to pop in the next time I'm close to one of their stores.  more at

Second is the adorable collaboration between Rachel Antonoff and Bass Shoes - aka: Bass ♥ Rachel Antonoff... If the immediate coolness factor of these shoes escapes you (not sure how that could happen, but if) then perhaps the adorable Tennessee Thomas armed with Kittens will help to sell you on these retro kicks...

 so very cute.  And fairly reasonably priced.  see more here & buy here.

back soon! xdjrd

Saturday, March 12, 2011

pick the rare flower

I thought it might be time to take a break from my spring favorites for a minute and do an outfit post again.  I also think it's safe to say that spring has officially crept up on Los Angeles; though it is still chilly at night and in the early morning hours when the sun is in hidding.  The flowers in our garden have begun to bloom and "the Brit's" hay-fever is certain to take hold of him any day now.  I will say, that is one of the few negatives about canyon living... allergies...when it blooms here, boy does it bloom. That and the fact that everything gets dirty fairly quickly (especially...ehem...freshly washed cars & freshly swept pathways).  I suppose it's a fair compromise for living in such a beautiful place.

I've been trying to stick to my plan by wearing lighter hues so perhaps I'm willing it to be spring with my secret powers? and speaking of powers... I decided, on a whim, to dust off my flower crown - wearing it always makes me feel a bit magical. It has made a few appearances on this blog which you may or may not remember and here it is again.
outfit details: 
sweater + belt - h&m 
skirt - wasteland
shoes - vintage (dead stock)
flower crown - self-made

musical notes: California - Joni Mitchell* 

(*yes, Joni again, because I feel like she should show up more often on a blog named after one of her tunes, non?)

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